The Delaware Court of Chancery has entered a technologically efficient and paperless world. The Court offers electronic Web-based filing using File & ServeXpress program. The Court of Chancery is equipped with a sophisticated wireless system that allows courtroom litigants to access information on their office computer via the Internet. Courtroom Connect, a service provider, also allows people outside the courtroom to follow court proceedings by viewing a live copy of the court reporter's transcript.
CELL PHONES. Attorneys may bring their cell phones into the courthouse, but must leave their cell phones in antechambers outside the courtroom before the judge enters the courtroom. It is not sufficient to turn off a cell phone while in the courtroom. Non-attorneys may not bring cell phones into the courthouse.
REMOTE REAL-TIME TRANSCRIPTS. The Delaware Courts offer attorneys the capability to have instant access to the transcript at counsel table. This facilitates cross examination and permits review of a witness testimony during an objection by opposing counsel. If requested, the wireless technology permits the court reporters to provide this instant transcript over the Internet to authorized trial team members outside the courthouse.
VIDEO. The Court of Chancery is currently reviewing whether and to what extent to make available the court's proceedings via video. However, with advance notice and the permission of the court, a video stream of the proceedings may be available elsewhere. Courtroom connect can provide the following services:
Live Streaming Video: The entire trial can be streamed live to trial team members in other locations. The audio/video of the proceedings and the evidence can be streamed over the Internet.
On-Demand Viewing: In addition to live access, authorized viewers will have on-demand access as well. Segments of the trial can be replayed, rewound and fast forwarded.