All Civil Actions must be electronically filed (efiled) via Lexis Nexis File and Serve. It is the Register in Chancery's job to view these documents for accuracy before accepting them onto the docket sheet. Items will be efiled into the Work Queue where the Register in Chancery will check for the following items:
1. Documents uploaded correctly.
2. Correct fee is applied.
3. Document title matches the caption (Administrative Directive Rule 4b) -Who is filing (name of plaintiff/defendant), to whom it is going (name of plaintiff/defendant), what the document is, and what it is regarding.
4. Case number(s) on documents match case number(s) on Lexis Nexis (single case number, or multi-case).
5. Attorney signature (Either hand-signed, or if it is an electronic signature, then it must say /s/ before the name), Bar ID #, & Attorney Block as needed (Administrative Directive Rule 4c)
6. Linked properly (Administrative Directive Rule 4d).
7. Certificate of Service, CC or Notice of Service, as necessary.
8. Document is in editable format as required.
9. Document is in correct font per Chancery Court Rule 171 (d)(2).